The Force Within Us
Christopher Reeves relationship with the media has proven
to be something of a double-edged sword for neurotechnology professionals,
as we discuss in our accompanying article. While Reeve has given
a lot of credit to his activity-based rehabilitation, which includes
functional electrical stimulation sessions, he has never been as
strong an advocate for neural prostheses as he has been for other
approaches to neurological disorders, which include stem cell therapies,
biotechnology and drug-development efforts, and spinal cord regeneration
This is unfortunate, given the high profile that the actor and the
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation have with the media, the
patient community, and legislators. The foundations Paralysis
Resource Center, located on the web at www.paralysis.org, contains
a host of information on research and resources for people with
paralysis, but says practically nothing about some of the most promising
applications of neurotechnology for treating spinal cord injury.
This attitude is not uncommon, however. In an interview with the
New York Times last week, Willem Kolff, the inventor of the artificial
kidney and the leader of the team that built the first artificial
heart, spoke of the resistance he encountered with those early devices.
One doctor at Presbyterian Hospital in New York refused to employ
the artificial kidney. Residents would have to refer patients with
renal failure to other hospitals. Later, when Kolff was developing
the first artificial heart, he encountered a high-ranking official
of the National Institutes of Health in the mens room who
told Kolff, I hope the artificial heart will never work.
This bias against all things bionic might be easier to understand
were it not for the publics seeming fascination with breast
implants, nose rings, nipple piercings, and ab stimulators. Perhaps
the only problem with functional electrical stimulation is in the
nomenclature. If we called it Totally Useless Electrical Stimulation,
or Fashionable Electrical Stimulation, maybe the public
would take more notice.
Also puzzling is the large extent to which the general public and
clinical communities are willing to view pharmaceutical approaches
as cures, despite the host of side effects, drug-resistant populations,
and ongoing costs associated with these treatments. To many of these
people, an implanted neurotech device would never count as a cure,
no matter how seamlessly the device coexisted with the natural nervous
Still, we should not be slow to recognize the glass half-fullness
offered by people like Christopher Reeve. His message of hope and
perseverance, his willingness to stand up to the entrenched medical
belief that people with paralysis should just accept their fate,
his potent arguments with political conservatives who would squelch
key areas of medical research, these attributes should give us all
reason for encouragement.
Perhaps we could do no better than to find other Christopher Reeves
who have more to say about things like functional electrical stimulation,
neuromodulation, neural prostheses, and medical devices, but can
say it with the passion and the clarity that he exhibits.
James Cavuoto
Editor and Publisher