A Breath of Fresh Air
The diaphragm-pacing system implanted in Christopher Reeve last
month by surgeons at University Hospitals
of Cleveland [see article, p2]
represents a victory for neurotechnology in many respects. To begin
with, it is the first real-life endorsement of neural prostheses
and functional electrical stimulation by the prominent actor and
disabilities activist. While Reeve made a public endorsement of
FES as part of his exercise regimen last year, stimulation seemed
to be relegated to a conditioning role, as opposed to a functional
role, which is the case with the FES breathing system
The procedure also delivered a much needed shot of publicity and
media awareness to this application. Case
Western Reserve University emeritus professor J. Thomas Mortimer,
whose Applied Neural Control Lab developed the system, has been
laboring in the dark for many years with this device.
Also, the device represents an almost textbook example of how FES
systems can be readily cost-justified compared to current therapies
and treatments. Reeves comments on that subject are worth
quoting: The constant and high cost of care for ventilator-dependent
patients not only exhausts most insurance policies but contributes
to strain on families and caregivers. Once this procedure receives
FDA approval, these patients and their caregivers should be able
to achieve significant improvements in their quality of life.
Nonetheless, the procedure points up at least one frustrating difficulty
that continues to hound neural engineers in this field and that
is the inherent unmarketability of an FES breathing system resulting
from the relatively small market of potential users. Of the 10,000
new cases of spinal cord injury each year in the U.S., only about
1,000 patients require mechanical ventilation for some period after
injury. Of these, there are perhaps 300 cases per year that might
benefit from life-long breathing support provided by the implanted
device. This patient population is even smaller than the universe
of C5/C6 quadriplegics that NeuroControl
Corp. was targeting with its FreeHand device until it stopped
marketing the product last year.
Clearly, it is going to be a difficult proposition indeed to convince
a neurotechnology firm that there is sufficient profit here to market
the device. Whats desperately needed is a way of pricing a
product in a way that enables a manufacturer to recover research,
development, and marketing costs and compensate for the relatively
small number of units manufactured. Manufacturers in the defense
industry have accomplished exactly this feat. With appropriate help
from the U.S. government, and public understanding of the overall
benefit to society, the neurotechnology industry could do the same.
James Cavuoto
Editor and Publisher